2021 MKE – Week 1 – Hero
It’s hard to believe that it’s that time of year again! Time to go back to beginning in order to dive deeper. Reading scroll one of Og Mandino’s The Greatest Salesman In the World three times a day. Starting again with part one of Charles Haanel’s The Master Key System. The Blueprint Builder being read daily, daily sits, seeking and out the shapes and colors, writing out one’s Definite Major Purpose (in 300 words?!?). For some it’s all new. For others it’s a continuation of habits learned previously on this spectacular journey known as the Master Key Experience. Or perhaps it’s restarting the habits, reads and sit that were not continued after the course ended last year.
The Master Key Experience is an amazing adventure, a movie not for the faint of heart. There’s work involved and those of us in the class are committing to doing that hard work. Think about though. If you truly want to bring about change from the status quo, to change habits by replacing bad ones with good ones, to identify and achieve your definite major purpose why wouldn’t you do the hard work necessary for that to manifest?
The past two years of this journey have been a revelation in terms of chipping off the cement that is covering the gold, the greatness that’s always been inside. It’s resulted in development of a hunger, a desire to dive in deeper when it comes to my personal development to find my true authentic self.
Hero Within
It’s interesting to look back at my blog posts from Week 1 in 2019 and 2020, seeing where I was then compared to now on this journey in terms of growth. Towards the end of week 1 I was spending an afternoon with two of my daughters and we were watching the Netflix hit Sing On! Perhaps it was coincidence, however I found it interesting that one of the episodes we watched that day had this as the final competition song.
A great reminder that inside all of us there is a hero. It’s up to us to make sure that hero is seen by others every single day through our reflection of the world within.
Around the MKE Horn
So what were some takeaways from other students in this year’s Master Key Experience class?
Rav provided some perspective of the challenge, while Ruthellen shared about being a peace as her 2nd year journey begins.
Glad to have you back this year, Brad!