MKE Week 14 – Embrace

Embrace Change


When it comes to challenges there is no doubt that 2020 provided more than most if not all of us ever thought possible.  How did you handle these challenges?  Did you embrace them or did you allow them to bring you down?

For the most part I believe I embraced the challenges that came down the pipe.  Sure I grumbled from time to time.  It’s human nature to do so.  Yet throughout the year when it came to the challenges brought by that which shall not be named I focused on being the observer, trying to look at the situation from a high level.  It was an approach that definitely brought peace more often than consternation.  


A Choice – Embrace or No


Ultimately it was a year of changes which meant having to choose, either embrace change or not.  Going through the Master Key Experience last year and again this year also means having to choose.  I can choose to stay the course of the last forty-something years, accepting what society says about how I should live my life.  Or I can choose to embrace change by taking the road less-traveled.  

In other words I can aim for the stars when it comes to identifying and achieving what I’ve identified as my definite major purpose.  Will I encounter failures along the way? Of course. Yet by choosing to embrace the failures I also know thanks to the tools provided by the Master Key Experience and through utilization of a mastermind alliance. And knowing that God is in control through it all is reassuring.

What things are you doing to embrace the pursuit of your bliss, the life you want for yourself? Hopefully you aren’t utilizing resolutions.

Curious what other MKE students journaled about this week?

Doug May

Connie Lape

Violet Esters

John Harris


  1. Nancy O says

    The road less traveled isn’t crowded! Enjoy the journey.

  2. John Francetic says

    Brad, good for you for embracing change. From your blog rover friend John.

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