MKE Week 13 – Changing Hearts

One of the things that we’ve attempted to do as a family this year is have more movie nights. These are always fun but even more so during the Christmas season when the number of changing hearts movies seems to multiply. We love watching old standbys as well as new debuts. One of the debuts we had the opportunity to watch was a movie musical produced by Dolly Parton, Christmas On the Square. It perfectly highlighted some of the things we are focused on in the Master Key Experience.
Changing Hearts Requires Self-Awareness
One of things highlighted in the Master Key Experience is self-awareness. In order to uncover the greatness inside each of us we first need to be aware that there’s cement that has to be chipped away. And sometimes we need help chipping that cement away. In the Master Keys that help is in the form of the “tools” were provided. Things like the seven different ways to learn, the index cards, reading the blueprint builder and our definite major purpose. The most important tool though might be the Mastermind Alliance, having people who can keep us on track in bringing about that changing heart while revealing the gold inside.
This self-awareness is seen in Christmas On the Square as the main character, Regina Fuller starts out with a cold heart, determined to achieve more wealth and success, no matter who gets hurt in the process. However with the help of a Mastermind Alliance that she begrudgingly and unknowingly becomes a part of she unconsciously begins chipping away at the cement that has built up around her. Cement that covered her heart and persona with cement and unhappiness.
Never Give Up
“I will persist until I succeed. I will never consider defeat”
Og Mandino, The Greatest Salesman In the World
In typical movie fashion there’s difficulty encountered by Regina’s main mastermind partner, Felicity, who is attempting to gain her wings. Yet Dolly Parton’s angel character reminds her of the importance of persistence via multiple instances of encouragement. These encouragement sessions eventually lead to success as the Mastermind Alliance results in changing hearts, not just Regina‘s, but also the town residents.
Isn’t it fantastic how going through an adventure like the Master Key Experience can have an impact on all aspects of life, including family movie nights?
Feel free to check out my thoughts from last year’s Master Key Experience adventure.
And here’s some Week 13 thoughts from fellow students on this year’s journey!
This sounds like a great movie – thanks for the recommendation!
Brad, good for you for realizing the importance of self-awareness. From your blog rover friend John.