MKE Week 20 – Conscious Power

Wow week 20’s reading was full of power, particularly regarding thoughts! So many terrific insights about this creative process known as thinking and why it is important to understand the power it holds in our lives.
Two Sides of Power
“The power of thought, if understood and correctly used, is the greatest labor-saving device ever dreamed of, but if not understood or improperly used, the result will in all probability be disastrous.”
Charles Haanel, The Master Key System
In discussing the reading for week 20 in my Polo group I shared how the combination of wood and heat, aka fire can be dangerous. Thoughts also can be dangerous for the same reason as fire. Catastrophic events can occur when fire is used incorrectly or for the wrong intentions. The same is true with our thoughts. When we focus on the negative, we give power to the destructive. The result, even when we don’t recognize it consciously, is despair, sickness, fear, and worry are all the result, tearing down the good or at the very least hiding it from view. Over time this manifests into the cement that covers the greatness that is inside each of us. Cement that we as individuals assist society in laying.
On the flip side thoughts can help to make the impossible possible, as it is a source of great inspiration that comes from within. All around us we can find examples of this. One terrific example is Winston Churchill. As British Prime Minister during the Second World War he ultimately played a significant role in assisting with leading the Allies to victory after rallying the British people in the face of defeat at the hands Germany in the summer of 1940. All after failing in politics for many years.
Who Has the Power?
Every day we have a choice as to who has the power in our lives. It can be the puppet masters in society who delight in telling people how to act, how to respond in various situations. Puppet masters who impart their opinion via various avenues on the dreams and goals of others. Building up the layers of cement, that individuals allow them to initially lay.
Or it can be ourselves as self-directed thinkers. When I take the initiative to create a blueprint for my life that involves things like identifying my definite major purpose, becoming a slave to good habits, practicing gratitude and kindness along with Emerson’s Law of Compensation, and writing down successes of any size, I become my own puppet master. I become the one with the power in my life. I keep it by striving to have a positive mental attitude in all situations, utilizing the seven laws, taking time daily to sit in “the silence” and doing my best to not articulate opinions unless I am an expert on the subject or I am asked to.
Around the Horn Week 20
Be sure to check out these spectacular insights from fellow MKE students!
Ron contemplates the last judgement. Anna highlights being one thought away from paradise. Meanwhile John asks an important question.
Curious on how silence plays into all this?
Yes, Brad, self-directed thinking is no doubt one of the biggest moves we can make to rid ourselves of the evil turds responsible for what’s stinking as it’s sinking! Great post! 🙂
Thanks Loren for stopping by!
Brad, good for you for choosing you to be in charge of your power. From your blog rover friend John
Yes we should always select our thoughts very carefully as we have so much power to create in whatever direction we desire whether consciously or unconsciously. All the Best.
Brad, I have enjoyed very much reading your blogs. Thank you. Best to you. From your blog rover friend John.