MKE Week 3 – Blueprint Development
Another interesting week of celebration, completing the index card chore, looking for red circles (and blue rectangles), sits and working on the blueprint. After reading The Greatest Salesman for twenty plus days and having three chapters of Haanel’s Master Key System there are many directions to go when it comes to thoughts.
Thoughts are a powerful thing. There’s a saying along the lines of what we think about grows or manifests. For this reason it is so important to be the watchman of the thoughts and ideas that enter the subconscious mind. Yet it’s also important to control our thoughts and recognize that as individuals each of controls the feeling that we attach to those thoughts. Doing so assists in bringing harmony to my little world.
“Harmony in the world within means the ability to control our thoughts, and to determine for ourselves how any experience is to affect us.”
Charles Haanel, The Master Key System
Having the ability to control our thoughts brings another added benefit, once the realization occurs that cause and effect are at play going to the heart of the saying mentioned previously that can be expressed another way. By focusing thoughts each of us has the ability to bring about the conditions individually desired.
The Blueprint
Over the last three weeks I’ve had the joy refocusing on my definite major purpose identified during Master Key Experience 2019 and further refining it. Trust me when I say this isn’t an easy thing. Just like details when it comes to the plans for building a house or a process workflow, the words of this blueprint are important. Why? Because it involves thoughts, concentrated thoughts specifically.
“Thought is energy. Active thought is active energy; concentrated thought is a concentrated energy. Thought concentrated on a definite purpose becomes power.”
Charles Haanel, The Master Key System
As was mentioned during the webinar, builders can’t build if the architect doesn’t provide solid plans. It’s the same thing with the sub-conscious mind. It needs specifics. And as the architect of my identity I AM determined to continue refining my blueprint so that the harmonious conditions I desire are able to manifest.
Check out these amazing insights from the Master Key Experience Week 3!
I love that saying that thought is energy 🤩
The blueprint has to be detailed – subby don’t do fuzzy! Great post, Brad!
[…] were so many different connections back to the daily habits, reading the blueprint builder and developing my blueprint. What stood out though was give more when considering some things that have occurred […]
BOOM! BOOM! BANG! BANG! BAM! Your rad, Brad!:-)
Your DMP is definitely key, Brad! 🙂
[…] definitely threw a curveball that I wasn’t expecting. Yet it builds on the concept of building a blueprint of a Definite Major Purpose and deciding to let go of some habits while establishinto new ones in […]