MKE Week 6 – Reflection

The journey to discovering the greatness inside definitely is a winding road with ups and downs. Chipping away at the cement that society has helped apply over the years can be invigorating. Yet it can also be a drain emotionally if one isn’t careful since to move forward means reflection every day. Ultimately it requires courage along with accountability.
Guy In the Glass
To help with the accountability aspect a new reading has been introduced,a poem called the “Guy In the Glass”. It’s a terrific read as it is a reminder to utilize time each day for reflection on the actions taken that day. The result can be powerful as honest reflection means honest answers and ultimately accountability. Especially if you read the poem in front of a mirror as students of the Master Key Experience do.
Consider this phrase:
But the man in the glass says you’re only a bum
If you can’t look him straight in the eye.
You can fool the whole world down the pathway of years,
And get pats on the back as you pass,
But your final reward will be heartaches and tears
If you’ve cheated the guy in the glass
Dale Wimbrow, The Guy In the Glass
See why there’s nothing like the courageous adventure of the Master Key Experience?
Man In the Mirror
When I was going through the Master Key Experience for the first time last year the introduction of this poem reminded me of a song by Michael Jackson, “Man In the Mirror”. It’s a song that I actually added to a playlist I created specifically for this course at the encouragement of my Marco Polo group last year. For me combining this song and the poem is very powerful. For me “Man In the Mirror” is a song about how change starts with reflection on the world within.
I’m starting with the man in the mirror
I’m asking him to change his ways
And no message could have been any clearer
If you want to make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself, and then make a change
Michael Jackson, Man In the Mirror
The “Guy In the Glass” just takes it a step farther by adding the accountability factor.
The key is this, remembering that no matter each of us is perfect for where we are right now. And we need love the person showing up in the reflection.
Week 7 is going to be exciting.
Here’s a few other blog posts from fellow students in this year’s class.
Have you read about my Master Key Experience last year
Yes, Brad, “The Guy in the Glass” can be a kick in the ass for a lot of folks. I keep my copy on the wall straight across from my bathroom throne. LOL 🙂
Brad, good for you for realizing how important it is to love yourself. From your blog rover friend John.
The guy/gal in the glass is a powerful tool! ~Nancy O. (I fell behind, but I’m back – Until the blogroll is corrected, please follow my blog at: – Thanks!)