MKE Week 12 – Concentration Power
Reading Part 12 of Charles Haanel’s The Master Key System is always particularly interesting as I pointed out during last year’s initial journey. It is in this part of the book that something I like to call concentration power really stands out.
“If you concentrate upon the thoughts given, if you give them your entire attention … you will soon grasp the full significance of the vital knowledge upon which you are concentrating.”
Charles Haanel, The Master Key System
It stands out right in the introduction, indicating the power of our thoughts if focused. To be fair Haanel also emphasizes throughout this section of the book that knowledge does not apply itself, that in the application of knowledge is where the power is.
“You must first have the knowledge of your power; second, the courage to dare; third, the faith to do.”
Charles Haanel, The Master Key System
Concentration Is Key
This concentration power ultimately is the reason behind the importance of identifying my definite major purpose, writing it out along with pivotal personal needs and reading it multiple times a day. Proper utilization of concentration power prevents scattering the brain from one ideal today, another the next and yet another the following. How? Through focus on your mental attitude along with your definite major purpose.
It is no secret that there is negativity all around. Every day we have the choice to succumb to this negativity that appears in the form of worry and fear. Or we can focus on the positive things that occur every day and have the determination to concentrate on the success and happiness that each of us desires. All while remembering the law of attraction is at play as what we think about grows. And there’s one very important action that can assist in bringing this about.
How often during a day do you find yourself in deep silent thought? Did you realize this is concentration power at play? It’s during this time of giving attention to a thing or combination of things that the a-ha moments many times appear. It’s the times where the how to accomplish something, the plan of action, reveals itself.
“It is by concentration that deep thoughts, wise speech and all forces of high potentiality are accomplished.”
Charles Haanel, The Master Key System
In other words taking time each day to focus on you, to sit in silence and contemplate or visualize where it is you want to go is very important. Because for it to take place in the outside world one needs to see it in the world within. And when those accomplishments occur, as fellow MKE sojourner Ninja Dan points out we need to celebrate!
Wow! Wonder what week 13 of this journey is going to uncover!
Brad, good for you for realizing the power of concentration. From your blog rover friend John.
Eunice, Brad, I must agree with my fellow blog rover and mastermind friend, John. To me, you appear to be a magnifying glass! 🙂
Concentration has become more of a challenge in the microwave society in which we live – persistent practice is the key!